Teen Spiritual Adoption?

PRAY4TEENS is a program of the spiritual adoption of teenagers who face the pain of loneliness and emptiness. 
It is about one-to-one prayer, i.e., one person praying for one specific teenager.

- you need support and you want to feel that someone is praying for you and that another person fighting for you against all that might harm you
- you are moved by the plight of many young people 
and likewise you want to 
offer them your prayers
adopt a teenager

Spiritual Adoption of a Teenager

Every year, the number of youth, equivalent to a medium-sized school, “disappears” in Poland due to suicides.

What can be done to prevent it?
How can children who are struggling with feelings of hopelessness, anxiety and abandonment be helped?

Perhaps you too are asking yourself such questions. Perhaps your heart is touched. You and each of us can make a difference.


How can it be done?

By clicking on the button, you express your willingness to start praying for one specific young person. The names of the children are not made public, so make a decision in your conscience that you want to pray for one boy or girl. If it helps you, choose any name you like for that person. In addition to your prayer, you can also make some kind of sacrifice.

Whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you. (John 16:23)

teenagers experience
spiritual support
thanks to prayer

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How ought I pray and for how long is this commitment to pray for a teen?

It is up to you to determine the form, length and time span for range which you choose to practice prayer and/or sacrifice. Remember, though, that there has been a continual spiritual battle for the youth going on, and your actions can effectively weaken the enemy and lead the young person onto the path of peace and love.

Pray for one another, that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful. (James 5:16)

What prayer shall I choose?

You can use the generally known formulas, or pray for your chosen teenager in your own words. Choose a form that suits your spirituality. You can sing, speak or pray in silence; you can pray at home, in the church, or on your way to work. You can pray alone or in a group. As you worship God, cry out to Him to wrap your teenager in a mantle of care. Pray also for his/her family and environment.

Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

I need help

« Do not be afraid; just have faith.» (Mark 5:36)

You are here perhaps because... you may be looking for help; no one understands you; everyone has let you down; you have had enough; you do not see any hope; life has no meaning; you are having suicidal thoughts… We are here to support you spiritually. Try to trust in the power of prayer!

For the people who join in this action, and most of all for God, your life does have meaning, your life matters. We want to give you our prayers and sacrifices for your intention because we believe in the power of prayer and we are concerned about you.
We do not know you by name yet, but we believe that Jesus Christ, the One who called you to life and to whom we intercede for you, knows you.

It does not matter to us whether you are a believer or not. What matters to us is you and the fact that you clicked onto this website for support.

How to ask for prayer?

Click on the button and leave us your name, and we will take up daily prayer for you. Someone has a heart-felt desire and concern about you, and so s/he wants to pray for you because s/he knows you are in need of prayer now. S/he will remember you every day because s/he believes that Jesus, who is the light, will overcome every darkness and every fear, and has the power to lead you to the path of peace. It is He who has already invited you to this website.

The LORD will guard you from all evil; he will guard your soul. (Psalm 121:7)

You might not realize it yet, nor do you experience it, but such prayer is powerful. We know many examples that confirm this. Jesus promised that God the Father will hear requests made in His name; and our God is all-powerful. We also encourage you to pray for yourself. Simply turn to Him saying, “Jesus, I don’t know you, but save me!” That is enough. In this very time, one of us will support you with his/her prayer. Try to trust us.

IT IS NOT TOO LATE. Although today everything may seem dark, tomorrow it may be much brighter. Even a small candle flame makes the darkness fade away. This may be the first day of your new life.

« Do not be afraid; just have faith.» (Mark 5:36)

Where else to look for help?

If you are experiencing depression or know someone who needs help, it is crucial to seek help immediately. Many countries have a dedicated phone line that is available 24/7 to provide support and connect callers with local resources. The number for the hotline can typically be found by searching online or asking a trusted adult for assistance.
Talk to a trusted friend or family member. Often, just talking about your feelings with someone you trust can help you feel better. It is important to remember that you are not alone, and some people care and want to help.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call emergency services (911 or 112) immediately.

Contact form

Leave your name if you need a prayer or a name of a person you know who needs a prayer.

    About us

    The PALNIK, charismatic community, is the originator of PRAY4TEENS. Spiritual adoption of teenagers was born out of a deep heartfelt need to support the experience families affected by their children’s depression and loneliness.

    We believe that Christ is the light that dispels all darkness and fear. To Him we want to continually entrust every young person in need to find the path of peace and love.

    Join us and let us walk this path together!
    The PRAY4TEENS initiative is open to any individual and communities who hear the call to pray for teens and want to support teens in crisis.

    Share this information about PRAY4TEENS. Invite your friends to SPIRITUAL ADOPTION OF A TEEN THROUGH PRAYER.
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