How to ask for prayer?
Click on the button and leave us your name, and we will take up daily prayer for you. Someone has a heart-felt desire and concern about you, and so s/he wants to pray for you because s/he knows you are in need of prayer now. S/he will remember you every day because s/he believes that Jesus, who is the light, will overcome every darkness and every fear, and has the power to lead you to the path of peace. It is He who has already invited you to this website.
The LORD will guard you from all evil; he will guard your soul. (Psalm 121:7)
You might not realize it yet, nor do you experience it, but such prayer is powerful. We know many examples that confirm this. Jesus promised that God the Father will hear requests made in His name; and our God is all-powerful.
We also encourage you to pray for yourself. Simply turn to Him saying, “Jesus, I don’t know you, but save me!” That is enough. In this very time, one of us will support you with his/her prayer. Try to trust us.
IT IS NOT TOO LATE. Although today everything may seem dark, tomorrow it may be much brighter. Even a small candle flame makes the darkness fade away. This may be the first day of your new life.
« Do not be afraid; just have faith.» (Mark 5:36)